Cover design by Tracie Grimwood
Vincent Agostino - Fun Pony Rides
Liz Anelli - Carnivale Cavalli
Greg Bakes - Admit One
Joanne Brooker - Red Mask
Leigh Brown - Carnivale
Michel Canetti - The Mask
Robin Cave - The Birthday Jamboree
Matt Clare - Anonymous
Rory Coughlan - Carnivale
Lisa Coutts - Tell me more
Lachlan Creagh - Carnivale
Hilary Cresp - Incognito
Beth Croce - The Plague Doctor and the H1N1 Pinata
Warren Crosset - Mene Tekel
Karen Curran - Carnivale
Richard Ellis - Macchina Musicale
Sandra Eterovic - Carnivale Mask
Adi Firth - Carnivale
Kim Fleming - Carnivale Cat
Mandy Foot - Carnivale
Tali Gal-on - King of the Ring
Marjory Gardner - Party time!
Liane Gough - Hello Possums
Tracie Grimwood - Carnel Vale
Samantha Groenestyne - Venezia
Jaqueline Gwynne - Freaks Tonight! Bearded Lady
Tracy Hogan - Billy cart race day
Kevin Howlett - Extended season
Karen Hull - The Alter Ego
Andrea Innocent - Pup Juggler
Nick Kallincos - The Conductor of Pleasure
Emma Kidd - Ern finds the Black Swan on the Carousel
Margaret Krajnc - Red Shoes
Sonia Kretschmar - Viva Carne
Elizabeth Lamb - Dainty Delia
Odette Larner - Intrigue
Elena Leong - Behind these Eyes
Anna Lloyd - Ghost woman of Venice
Penny Lovelock - The Jugglers
Cat MacInnes - Talbot the Tantalising Terrier
Vivien Masters - The tattooed lady
Natalie Marshall- Rabbit ready for carnivale
Richard Morden - Farewell to flesh
Rhiannon Mowat - Puppet Show
Cathy Muhling - The Carnivale of silly shoes
Paul Nolan - Vintage Carnivale Ticket
John Petropoulos - Carnivale
Diana Platt - Carnivale
Jody Pratt - Has anybody seen the flags?
Nani Puspasari - The Dictator
Jess Racklyeft - Carnivale
Angie Rehe - Cat lady
Nestor Rincon - Marimonda carnival
Anita Ristovski - Carmen
Jedda Robaard - Balancing Act
Marguerite Sauvage - Arlequeen
Basak Savcigil - Victor & Victoria Forever
Danny Snell - Flea Circus
Jodee Taylah - Opening night 1898
Don Ticchio - Sheila decided to let it all hang out for carnivale
Nadia Turner - Carnivale folk
Mitch Vane - Birds of a Feather
Anna Walker - Tiger Walk
Julianne Walsh - After the Canivale
Kayleen West - Surprise
Annie White - Let's Party