Books - Single
Ben Jelfs - Walking the dog
Art director: Self
Client: Self / Redrum Studios
Description: Illustration for self published children's ebook 'We Played In The Sun. Growing Up In The 70s & 80s.'
Advertising - Single
Justin Pedler - London - Experience Britain's crowning glory
Art director: Self
Client: Printism
Description: A vintage-style poster design of London featuring many famous landmarks of London.
Editorial - Single
Jim Tsinganos - Writes of Passage - Qantas Magazine
Art director: Chris Roseby - Studio (Bauer Media)
Client: Qantas Magazine - Bauer Media
Description: Full page feature entitled 'Writes of Passage' in Qantas Magazine about how the travels and experiences on those travels influence and inspire the work of a writer.
Unpublished - Single
Jim Tsinganos - I Amplify in Silence
Art director: Self
Client: Affiliated Text
Description: Exhibition piece for the 'Selfie: Image Narrative Opiate' group show at Affiliated Text, Cross Art Books, 33 Roslyn St., Kings Cross, Sydney.
Instructional/Technical - Single
Levent Efe - Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) technique
Art director: Self - Studio (Levent Efe medical illustration studios)
Client: Levent Efe Online store, der Spiegel Magazine-Germany
Description: This sequential still series visually narrates the stages in the placement of an Aortic valve via the Transcatheter route. Special emphasis is given to valve deterioration prior to the procedure, and the destruction of this original valve with a Balloon catheter
Institutional - Single
Nigel Buchanan - FETE
Art director: Jo Dean
Client: Bourke Street Public School
Description: Poster for a local school fund raiser.
Books - Single
Rovina Cai - Bridge Encounter
Art director: Jess Serjent-Tipping
Client: 3D Total Publishing
Description: This illustration was created for a drawing tutorial book, where I created an image and wrote about my process. The brief was fairly open-ended; calling for the illustration to include both a creature and a character. With this subject in mind, I chose to create an image inspired by classical storybook illustrations, something that could have come out of an old book of myths and fairytales. With this illustration I was able to cover a range of drawing tips and techniques for the tutorial, like designing characters and creatures, composition, and creating mood and atmosphere.
Advertising - Series
Stephen Fuller - Make a Difference
Art director: Jordan Dale. Writer: Chris Childerhouse - Studio (Ogilvy New Zealand)
Client: Royal Forest & Bird Protection Society of New Zealand
Description: Direct Response Press and Poster illustrations where the NZ $5, $10, & $50 notes have had the Designations and Birds removed and the illustration extended out from the centre to fill an A4 page so that when the designated note is placed back into the illustration, it matches into the scene and is a request for donations.