Vincent Agostino - My Silent world (1)
Vincent Agostino - My Silent World (2)
Liz Anelli - Tanzania Street (1)
Liz Anelli - Tanzania Street 2
Gregory Baldwin - A3 on a tandem
Joanne Brooker - Brad Pitt
Joanne Brooker - Bob Hawke
Brian Brown - The Giraffe
Leigh Brown - Spirit Dragon
Lisa Coutts - The return
Lisa Coutts - Golden
Rowan Dodds - Catgirl
Rowan Dodds - Playing cards
Anton Emdin - Pickup lines
Karen Erasmus - Feed the chooks
Karen Erasmus - Bushdance
Sandra Eterovic - Hamburger Ballerina
Sandra Eterovic - Man of Flowers
Kim Fleming - Petit Oiseau (little bird)
Tali Gal-on - Viva la vinyl
Philippa Garrard - Ranunculus
Philippa Garrard - At the pool
Serena Geddes - Young love
Dean Gorissen - known unknowns
Dean Gorissen - 19seventysomething
Liane Gough - Census Ark
Tracie Grimwood - I am watched over
Sarah Hardy - Lady of Empire
Sarah Hardy - Bathtime bliss
Andrea Innocent - Cloud girl
Andrea Innocent - You think your family is weird
Ben Johnson - Twice Daily
Lew Keilar - Mikado
Lew Keilar - Fly By
Emma Kidd - Seadreamer
Margaret Krajnc - Moonfish
Sonia Kretschmar - Grace under pressure
Penny Lovelock - Fill my cup
Shane Luskie - War skull
Shane Luskie - Death skull
Jo Martin - Twitching
Vivien Masters - Affliccion (affliction)
Vivien Masters - Envidia (envy)
Richard Morden - The supercontinent of Pangaea
Richard Morden - Asleep
Rhiannon Mowat - Barn owl
Rhiannon Mowat -Kitten
Chris Nielsen - Risk
Mitchell Nolte - Bonds of Ereshkigal
Sinead O'Leary - Materialism
Nicole Onslow - Gemini
Nicole Onslow - Pisces
Donn Pattenden - Hoshiboshi: Rapture
Craig Perry - Lying Woman
Jody Pratt - I love you, I love you, I love you
Jody Pratt - The tree on the hill
Jess Racklyeft - Up in the clouds
Angie Rehe - So frenchy
Angie Rehe - So chic
Ken Rinkel - Shaman mask (Antler)
Ken Rinkel - Shaman mask (Angry Red)
Gregory Roberts - Draggin
Gregory Roberts - Life in the paddock
Betty Sargeant - Great Uncle Frank
Fiona Sinclair - Typotany
Jason Solo - Killipede
Jason Solo - Us and them
Don Ticchio - Cabinet of Dr Caligari
Gloria Torres - Designer's stuff
Gloria Torres-The Philosopher's desk
Mitch Vane - Lightness of being
Mitch Vane - Cream on top
Annie White - The Swing
Laura Wood - The house in the forest