Vincent Agostino - Evening Rouge
Daniel Atkinson - Prom Night Lover
Gregory Baldwin - Untitled
Kerri Barnes - Untitled
Edward Baueris - Taunt Tease
Susy Boyer - Untitled
Natalie Brockett - Give Me One Good Reason to Stay With You
Natalie Brockett - One Summer Day in Stripes
Nigel Buchanan - Consumption Kid
Nigel Buchanan - Jugglers
Keith Burt - Elvis Lives
Graham Byrne - Deliverance
Graham Byrne - The Shoes of an old Roger
Tim Bywater - Untitled
Genna Campton - Untitled
Michel Canetti - Clemence
Matt Clare - Political Piglets
Tanya Cooper - High Horse
Tanya Cooper - The Type Writer
Lachlan Creagh - Ectoplasmic
Lachlan Creagh - Schrodingers Cat
Ned Culic - Girt by Jewel Sea
Ned Culic - Rat rules
Martin Demontfort - Here's Mickey!
Rowan Dodds - The Tiger and the Butterfly
Rowan Dodds - Iceberg
Nathaniel Eckstrom - Untitled
Peter Edgeley - Collins St 5pm
Peter Edgeley - St Kilda Botanical Gardens
Anton Emdin - Bare Bones
Anton Emdin - Jungle Booty
Adi Firth - Regret
Adi Firth - White Cat
Paula Fletcher - Sophia
Paula Fletcher - Tea Party
Lloyd Foye - Magician
Lloyd Foye - Zebra
Stephen Fuller - Untitled2
Stephen Fuller - Untitled
Dean Gorissen - Untitled 2
Dean Gorissen - Untitled
Simon Greiner - Wolf Fight
Simon Greiner - Summertime
Laura Gulbin - Kuan Yin: Goddess of Kindness
Laura Gulbin - Athena
Fleur Harris - Untitled
Fleur Harris - Untitled 2
Roger Harvey - Tractors
Roger Harvey - Bike
Greg Holt - Little Feet
Greg Holt - Mr Moo's Musical Zoo
Andrea Innocent - Hikkokimori Mon
Benjamin Johnson - Ride Me
Danielle Kerr - Untitled
Lew Keilar - Surprised Geisha
Lew Keilar - The Beehive
Margaret Krajnc - Moosic Musters
Sonia Kretschmar - Gravity
Louise Kyriakou - Matt
Penny Lovelock - Goddess
Shane Luskie - Where will the animals go
Shane Luskie - Where will the fish go
Marc Lynch - Pet Cemetery
Marc Lynch - Uninvited
Marie Larkin - Possibility
Marie Larkin - What If...
Stuart McLachlan - After Amy
Stuart McLachlan - Cops and Robbers
Lillian Martinez - Bulerias
Lillian Martinez - Soul
Andy Monks - Tattoo Queen
Andy Monks - Mad Tiki Drive
Gregory Myers - Untitled
Gregory Myers - Untitled 2
Christopher Nielsen - Figure8
Christopher Nielsen - Rhada
Barry Olive - Clown Logic
Nicole Onslow - Daydream
Nicole Onslow - Untitled
Olga Pasechnikova - Ruslam and Lydmilar
Donn Pattenden - Sushi-zume
Donn Pattenden - Egg Vend
Jody Pratt - 7 Little Birds and the Big Red Tree
Travis Price - Can You Hear Me Major Tom?
Simon Rattray - Hepcat in Bluesville
Steph Ransom - Fly Away Peter
Ken Rinkel - Tachyon Gardens
Leigh Ryan - Untitled
Yuhee Seo - Lady in Hanbok
Yuhee Seo- Woman in Floral Dress
Ulrike Strum - Cat and Mouse
Ulrike Sturm - Armchair
Emma Stuart - Desert Flower
Emma Stuart - Discovery
Binny Talib - Magic Beans
Binny Talib - Secure
Joel Tarling - Mapping Terra Australis
Joel Tarling - The Ghost of Everleigh Railway
Jorge Tarzia - Happenings
Jorge Tarzia - Tree of Life
Alastair Taylor - Why is your baby so ugly?
Steve Tierney - Nick Cave
Nori Tominaga - The Bingle Bungle
Nori Tominaga - Yes we can
Jim Tsinganos - Waterlevel
Jim Tsinganos - Them Crooked Vultures
Daniella Vittz - Blonde
Angelo Vlachoulis - Asian Tales
Angelo Vlachoulis - The Day I Died
Michael Weldon - Coo Coo Couriers
Michael Weldon - Life with the Satans
Faye Wilson - Sacarine
Annie White - Untitled
Dennis Zaragoza - Afgan Girls